Interest Rates

Keep Calm and Talk to a Mortgage Advisor


KEEP CALM AND TALK TO A MORTGAGE ADVISOR According to a survey from RFI Global UK Mortgage Council one in four homeowners say they are worried they won't be able to afford their mortgage payments over the coming year. Analysis by Accord Mortgage shows that almost £100bn worth of [...]

Keep Calm and Talk to a Mortgage Advisor2022-08-31T15:19:27+01:00

Should you opt for a tracker mortgage? Narrowing rates may make fixed rates expensive – Your Mortgage


SHOULD YOU OPT FOR A TRACKER MORTGAGE? NARROWING RATES MAKE FIXED RATES MORE EXPENSIVE - YOUR MORTGAGE It is no longer a “no brainer” to go for a fixed rate mortgage with the price gap between variable and fixed deals becoming “more marked” than has been the case in [...]

Should you opt for a tracker mortgage? Narrowing rates may make fixed rates expensive – Your Mortgage2022-08-24T17:27:41+01:00
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